Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Movie Munich Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Analysis of the Movie Munich - Essay Example "The Palestinians are never developed to the same extent. We get the impression that their resistance is irrational and unfounded; they've never faced the same psychic misery that Israeli Jews have" (Samuel. 2006). In this movie justice is as equally visceral as carnage where victims are blown to pieces by exploding television sets, dynamite in hotel beds and booby-trapped telephones, as if advancing the idea that violence begets violence. "His exhausting thriller tries to plant a white flag between Israel and Palestine by revisiting one of the ugliest dogfights in their toxic history" (Christopher. 2006). Operation Wrath of God although never been formally acknowledged by Israel, is immaculately presented in this film with an expert use of considerable skills to create an alarming sense of authenticity. The details are so specific: the trendy flared trousers, the grainy film stock, even the way the poodles are shaved in Paris. While there are many other film critiques who marvels at the magnificence of the plot along with the timely twists and irony, to me this movie simply speaks about terrorism, being the central theme further expounded into several areas of justifications. A resounding justification that terrorism and the acts that goes along with it, is a solution and at the same time a problem similar to the purported notion on an eye for an eye. Terrorism and hostage taking traces its roots back during early civilization. There are numerous references to abduction throughout Greek mythology. In medieval times hostages were taken for money or a guaranteed safe passage through a country. In the U.S., Indians on the western frontier terrorized settlers to frighten them away. Throughout the twentieth century, up until the 1970's various terrorist acts were committed, yet they were not as big a problem as they are today. The new age of terrorism dawned at 4:30 in the morning of September 5, 1972, the members of the Israeli delegation awoke in their quarters in the Olympic village to the desperate cries of wrestling referee Joseph Gottfreund. Eight Arab commandos (from the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September) broke into the Olympic compound in Munich. In an attempt to create time for an escape, Joseph Gottfreund tried to block off the door to the quarters in order to stall the intruders. He told his colleagues to le ave the premises. The terrorist shot and killed him immediately along with Yaakov Springer, the weightlifting referee. Those in the adjoining apartments who were not woken by the muffled cries were woken from the sounds of machine guns. The commandos then took nine others of the eighteen-member Israeli Olympic team hostage. They then settled into the compound for a siege. The terrorists imprisoned and tied up the athletes and their coaches inside the apartments. They were moved into one of the delegates' room where they were guarded by eight of the terrorists. Their weapons included sub-machine guns, pistols and grenades. Moshe Weinberg, a wrestling referee, and Joseph Romano, a weightlifter, were killed during an effort to free themselves from the terrorists. History proved that the issues between the Israelis

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Debate Essay Example for Free

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Debate Essay For many years schools have banned books from being taught to their students because of parent complaints. These books have been shunned from the criteria, which may or may not affect the students understanding on a specific subject. People have been fighting to have these books banned because of excessive use of profanity, violence, sex, drugs and many other reasons. They do not look further in the books to see exactly what the author is trying to portray. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is banned in various places in the United States. This book should not be banned because, this book shows an important part in our history, it is not pro-racism, and it shows how far along we have come since then. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is very important to the American culture. When Mark Twain was around, the use of the word nigger was quite common. That was how they referred to African Americans in that time. In the book, Twain makes Pap look like the worst possible white trash where as Huck and Jim, the slave, get closer throughout the book. The book shows how people felt towards African Americans back in the day and how it was wrong. They considered them as inhuman. In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, Aunt Sally seems to be a nice person, but when the little black boy was killed she does not care since no human was hurt. This shows how far along we have come since this time period. Huck plays three jokes on Jim, but in the end begs for his forgiveness because he felt he had done something indeed quite wrong. This shows that not all Southerners in the day were racist. Mark Twain makes fun of how many people in the South were wrong to think badly towards the African Americans. This book is a very good book to get an understanding of how things were wrong back then and how far we have come since then. The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain should not be banned. If this book was banned students would not be able to further their understanding on the issues of slavery and how the African Americans were treated poorly in this time period. This book shows how people were wrong to think this way. That is why it should be read in schools across the United States.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sprawl and Small Businesses Essay -- Stores Retail Essays

Sprawl and Small Businesses During the past 15 years, I have seen my once-rural hometown of Washington Township transform into a maze of single-family housing developments and strip malls. This type of growth has not been gentle on the local economy, especially small businesses. Stores such as the mom and pop hardware store, a local mainstay for many decades, have been forced out of business by the construction of two Home Depots and a Lowe’s within a two-mile radius of the town’s main street. This negative aspect of sprawl has been a trend that has repeated itself nationwide in recent years. Mega chain stores, or big boxes, are a phenomenon that has spread all over the country, and has exploded in popularity in recent years. Contributing to this phenomenon are monster chain stores, such as Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, Target, Kmart and Best Buy. The success of these stores has depended upon the saturation of the retail market in areas where they are built. For instance, Wal-Mart’s strategy of store placement is such that in urban areas, stores are placed within a 10-mile radius of each other and a 30-mile radius is created in rural areas. ( The density of store placement can vary, depending on the presence of competitors in the area. By saturating the market, these stores are undercutting their competition and making it virtually impossible for their smaller competitors to survive, or even start up in a free-market economy. In addition to their planning strategy of market dominance, big box stores have other attributes that are difficult to compete with. These attributes are attractive to the consumer, but come at a detrimental price.... ..., these corner stones are becoming a dying breed. Although progress cannot be stopped, we must hope that ideas like town centers can catch on, and save our small businesses. References: 1. : Sharbell is the developer that is building the Washington town center. 2. : â€Å"Home town America fights back.† â€Å"A citizens view of Home Depot: The Orange Wars.† 3. : â€Å"Do Wal-Mart and Home Depot spell the end of Community?† 4. : National Labor Committee Website. 5. : â€Å"What’s wrong with Wal-Mart?† 1999 6. : â€Å"Surviving the Invasion of the Mega Stores: The Impact of Mega-Retail Discount Chains on Urban, Suburban and Rural Economies†

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Computer Games

l Attention Grabber When I was young, my dad bought a computer for my brother and I. I was very excited because I never had a real computer before. My brother and I tried to figure out how to use the computer. After we figured out, my brother started to installed the computer games. Eventually, my brother and I were attracted to the computer games but is it a boon or a bane? It depend on us. lI Introductory Remarks Everyone in this room has at least one computer at home. And everyone here must have played computer games before.After you will know some interesting facts about playing computer games. III Reveal Topic I would like to talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. IV Preview Computer games help in releasing stress while we are having fun. However, they also have negative effects on us too. [ Let me start with the advantages of playing computer games ] Body I Computer games can release out stress A. They provides us to have fun -When we ae very bored,tired or stressed. Computer games are a good source of enjoyment. We have fun playing computer games because they give us time to be with our friends. It is a great opportunity to socialize. -We can chat with our friends and relax with them. We have more energy for other work. [ Computer games not only help us to release our stress but they also let us learn something new ] II Computer games serve a range of educational functions A. Encourage different ways of learning, imagination, creativity and exploration. -Simulation games could be uses as means of preparing learners for the world of work. Help pupils to develop key learning skills such as cognitive process, logical thinking and independent decision making. -treat a variety of disorders and disabilities. [ Now, let me tell you the negative effects of playing too much computer games ] III Playing too much computer games can cause negative effects on our health and wasting our time A. Negative effects to our health -Lo oking at the computer screens without resting the eyes for long period of time, will spoil our eyesight. -less exercise. B. Waste our time Some people get hooked on to computer games too much that they tend to lose interest in other more important things like studies. -Students neglect their studies. -Cost money every time you play. Conlusion I Summary Of Main Point In conclusion, playing computer games it help us to release our stress and make new friends. But when we play too much of computer games it cause negative effects to us. II Concluding Remarks If we know how to manage our time, we will get the pleasures and benefit of playing computer games.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How family structures have changed since World War II Essay

At the end of World War II â€Å"†¦marriage, at least once, became almost universal†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 12/09/17). In 2006 14% of families had a child and they were not married but they were â€Å"†¦officially registered as parents of their joint children, this was seen as historically new†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 12/09/17) Then six years on in 2016, the nuclear family is still seen as the norm, this type of family is what the media try to promote. â€Å"In 2016 there were 18.9 million families in the UK† within this â€Å"12.7 million married or civil partner couple families in the UK.†( 12/09/17) Although â€Å"cohabiting couple families were the fastest growing family type over the last 20 years† ( 12/09/17) There are many reasons for why the family structure has changed since World War II, some of these reasons are; people do not want to get married, people are marrying later in life and there are now more people living alone. In 1961 women lived very different to today’s society as they were expected to get married young and start a family. In today’s society within families and society, there is less pressure to get married. During World War II the number of a woman getting paid jobs outside of their home â€Å"increased by 25% to 36%†( 18/09/17). This was because of the number of men that were away fighting in the war, this opened up a lot of opportunity for women. In London, while dealing with the bombing of the city, women had to step up and â€Å"protect their families — children, the elderly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 18/09/17). Women nowadays are more focused on their jobs that they do not want to get married or have children. In the society, like we have today women are able to provide for themselves and their families without depending on a man to be the breadwinners. On the other hand, in some religions around the world, there are arranged marriages within the family, this is where the mother and father decide who their child is going to marry. There are some reasons why they do this â€Å"To protect perceived cultural or religious ideals and family ‘honour’ or long-standing family commitments†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 19/09/17) â€Å"In the first nine months of 2008, the UK’s Forced Marriage handled more than 1,300 cases†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 19/09/17) The contraceptive pill was instrumental in changing woman having babies young or when they are not wanted. When the pill was â€Å"introduced on the NHS, the pill was prescribed mainly to the older woman who already had children and did not want any more†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 18/09/17) Today â€Å"the pill is now 99% effective in preventing pregnancy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 18/09/17) In the present day, the contraceptive pill is suitable for all woman if the woman has no medical reasons why she cannot take it or if the woman smokes. â€Å"There has been a rise in single-person households from 18% of households in 1971 to 29% of all households in 2005.† (Social trend and patterns of the family.) In the 1940’s the divorce rates increased right after World War II. It has been suggested that this is because â€Å"families were strained under the burden of living with a man who may have been incapacitated during the war†¦ women had a new found freedom in wo rking and didn’t want to give that up.† ( 18/09/17). In the UK in the year 2005, there were â€Å"141,750 divorces, compared with 153,399 in 2004.† ( 18/09/17) A family Lawyer Emma Hatley stated, â€Å"Half of the divorces involve children who are under the age of 16 so its impact on the whole family is obviously huge.† ( 18/09/17) The Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 enabled men to petition in court for a divorce on the basis of their wife’s adultery. In 1923 The Matrimonial Causes Act â€Å"put men and women on an equal footing for the first time, enabling either spouse to petition the court for a divorce on the basis of their spouse’s adultery.† ( 18/09/17) in 1960 the Archbishop of Canterbury â€Å"prepared a report demanding reform of the law to ensure that people could obtain a divorce if they could show the breakdown of their marriage.† ( 18/09/17) O ne – parent families are becoming more and more popular in today’s society. One – parent household with dependent children has risen from 3% in 1971 to 7% in 2005†¦ 1.7 billion lone parent families in Britain, making up about 25% of all families.† (Fisher et al 2012 19/09/17) On the 29th of March 2014, the first same-sex marriage took place at midnight once gay marriage became legal in England and Wales. Since the law has been brought in that same-sex couple can marry there have been 15,000 marriages. ( 29/09/17)In 1945 same-sex marriage was seen as a wrong thing and from a religious point of view, it is seen as you are going again the wishes of God. In today’s society, a same-sex couple is given the same rights as a heterosexual couple, for example, people in the same-sex marriage are allowed to adopt a child.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Questions For A Government Assignment Essays - State Court

Questions For A Government Assignment Essays - State Court Questions For A Government Assignment National Judiciary 1. During the period before the Constitution was ratified, the Articles of Confederation gave a 2. The Dual Court System works by splitting the courts into 2 distinct systems; the national judiciary system and the state judiciary system. The State Courts deal with most cases in the country. The national judiciary system deals with constitutional and national issues. 3. The 2 kinds of Federal Courts are Special and Constitutional Courts. The Special Courts deal with cases that come from some of the expressed powers given to Congress. The Constitutional Courts are the courts formed by Congress to properly exercise the judicial power of the U.S. The Constitutional Courts consist of The Supreme Court, the Courts of Appeals, the district courts, and the Court of International Trade. The special courts include the Tax Court, the territorial courts, and the Veterans Appeals Courts among others. 4. The Plaintiff is the party who initiates the suit. The defendant is the party who must defend against the complaint. 5. Jurisdiction is the authority of a court to hear and decide a case. 6. Exclusive jurisdiction is the power of federal courts alone to hear certain cases. Concurrent jurisdiction is the power shared by federal and state courts to hear certain cases. Original jurisdiction is the power to hear a case first (before any other court). Appellate jurisdiction is the authority of a court to review decisions of inferior courts. 7. Federal judges are selected by the President of the U.S. of A. on the basis of their political and moral ideals and views. The President usually selects someone who shares the same views as he does. The judges are paid $133,644 annually and they receive retirement benefits as well. The judges are assisted by court clerks, deputy clerks, stenographers, and bailiffs. Inferior Courts 1. The inferior courts are ALL the lower federal courts (those below the Supreme Court). The inferior courts do several things. They try cases and end up handling 80% of the federal caseload. The Court of Appeals are where the decisions of the inferior courts are appealed. The last 2 other inferior courts are the Court of International Trade which deals with civil cases about tariffs and trade-related laws and the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit which deals with certain cases in order to speed up the Appeals process. The biggest importance of the inferior courts to the Federal Court system is that the inferior courts weed out most cases before they reach the Supreme court. This helps to keep the court system working quickly and efficiently. The jurisdiction of the inferior Federal Courts are as follows: District Courts-orginal and the Courts of Appeals-appellate. 2. 2 other Constitutional Courts are the Court of International Trade, which has original jurisdiction, and the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which has a nationwide jurisdiction. Supreme Court 1. The High Court is the Supreme Court. It is the High Court because it is the highest court in the land. The Supreme Court has the final say in cases arising under the Constitution or cases dealing with U.S. treaties. The Supreme Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction. 2. Judicial review is the power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of the actions of the legislative and executive branches of government. Judicial review came from the Framers of the Constitution and its jurisdiction is both appellate and original. 3. A writ of certiorari is an order by the Supreme Court directing a lower court to send up the record for any given case for its review. 4. A certificate is a method of putting a case before the Supreme Court. It is used a lower court isnt clear about the procedure or the rule of law that should apply in a case and asks the Supreme Court to clarify the answer to a specific question in the matter. 5. The Supreme Court works by first setting a date for the lawyers from both sides to present their oral arguments. After the oral arguments. Before the oral arguments begin, the lawyers file written briefs which cite previous examples in which a court has ruled in favor of their side in a case similar to the one theyre arguing. The briefs support one side

Monday, October 21, 2019

La Biographia de Fidel Castro essays

La Biographia de Fidel Castro essays On August 13th, 1926 near the mountainous region of Mayari, Cuba. He was born to Angel Castro with 3 brothers and 4 sisters, Fidel was the 3rd oldest. Fidel attended intermediate school in Santiago de Cuba, he then went on to law school at the University of Havana and got his law degree. A couple of years later Fidel joined the orthodox party, anti-imperialist, social-democratic party that was extremely anti batista. A short time later he gained national recognition when he led the attack against batistas men in moncada, but failed. He was captured and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, but was released early. In early months of 1952, Castro ran for congress but batista organized a cout de tat, thus dissolving the election that year. It was soon after that he Fidel fled to Mexico to train his brigade to fight against batistas Army. It was during this time that the infamous Ernesto che Guevara joined the rebel forces. One of the unique characteristics of Fidels army was that it allowed both men and women to fight in the same quarters. In 1956 after a couple years of training his army in Mexico he led his 80- some guerilla fighters into southeast region of Cuba, when he arrived many people already in Cuba continued to join the revolution. Despite Fidel and his armies efforts along with the sympathy of the Cuban people, batista put down the revolution. In January, 1959 Castro led his army into the streets of Havananah and defeated the corupt batista regime, and forces batista off the island. Soon after Fidel took control of the Cuban govt, the U.S. support for Cubas economy decreas ed due to many of Fidels radical reforms in agriculture and economy went directly against the interest of major U.S. corporations. These reforms led to the U.S. trade embargo against cuba. Soon after many attempts on Fidels life the U.S. led invasion of ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

25 Lessons From Guest Blogging For The Top Blogs In The World

25 Lessons From Guest Blogging For The Top Blogs In The World During the past few years, I’ve written for some of the most popular marketing blogs in the world. Blogs like Social Media Examiner, MarketingProfs, Copyblogger, Problogger, KISSMetrics, and the list goes on and on. It’s been an honor to guest blog for such amazing publications. And along the way, I’ve learned a thing or two. So, if you’re thinking about guest blogging as a way to market your company, this will help you get started. Or if you’re already guest blogging, then this will help you get even more out of it. When guest blogging, the first thing you need to do is find good blogs to write for. 1. Know what audience you want to target. So before you jump in, there are a few things to consider: Are you looking to write on a blog in your industry? Or are you looking to write on a blog that your customers read? For instance, my company focuses on marketing software for small businesses. I could either write for marketing blogs such as or I can write for small business blogs. 2. Use Google to find relevant blogs. The first and most obvious place to look for a guest blogging opportunity is Google. Once you know  the type of blog that you want to write for, you simply Google the name of your industry and â€Å"write for us†. So if you Google â€Å"small business† and â€Å"write for us†, you’ll see a list of small business blogs that accept guest posts: Pore through them to find the  blogs that are most aligned your goals. 3. Try Twitter to find relevant blogs. If you go to and click on â€Å"Advanced Search†, you’re brought to the following screen: In the â€Å"All of these words† field, enter the niche that you want to write for. In the â€Å"This exact phrase† field, enter the words â€Å"write for us†. You should see a list of blogs asking for guest posts. 4. Look through the blogs you follow. Look for guest blogging opportunities on the blogs that you currently read. Do all of the authors of the blog work for the company? If they don’t, it’s a good bet that they accept guest posts. 5. Investigate the size of the blog. The truth is, writing a blog post takes a lot of time. And you want to get the most exposure possible. To see how much traffic a blog gets, I do two things: First, I check out their Alexa ranking. Even though it’s only an estimate, it gives me some indication as to how many readers the blog has. After I look at their Alexa ranking, I scroll through the most recent 10–20 posts to see how many social media shares each post gets. These are mostly vanity metrics, but they’ll give you a sense for how many people will interact with your post. 6. Make sure the blog has an engaged audience. If you’re looking to guest blog to get traffic to your site and build your email list, then writing for blogs with a high comment to share ratio is extremely important. For instance, I wrote a post on Boost Blog Traffic: It received a ton of comments relative to the number of social media shares. It’s no accident that during the time this post was written, it was my largest source of referral traffic- even though I had written for much bigger blogs. It’s not always the size of the blog that matters. It’s just as important to have active and engaged readers. When #guestblogging, blog size doesn’t always matter. Active readers do.7. Make sure your target audience reads the blog. One of the most critical factors for guest blogging success is ensuring the audience is a proper fit for you. The biggest blog in the world will do you absolutely no good if your customers don’t read it. Make sure you understand the demographics of the blog’s audience to ensure your customers read it. Ask To Write A Guest Blog Once you find a blog you want to write for, you’ll need to apply to contribute a guest post to that blog. 8. Choose a topic based on what was successful. Read the last three to six months’ worth of blog posts to get a feel for the content the blog publishes and what type of posts the audience likes to read. The posts with the most comments and shares probably get the most traffic, and in the blog editors  mind, are the most successful. Contribute an idea that is similar  to a successful post to increase your chances of it being accepted. So, as a person who is interested in writing for the small business audience, here’s how I would create a topic and headline: One of my favorite small business blogs is called Under30CEO. After doing my research, I find that a lot of the posts that do well are about  increasing your company’s visibility. Now that I know  what works, I would say something like: 5 Practical Ways to Get Your Company in Front of Your Prospects, Even if You Dont Have a Huge Budget 9. Create the guest blog outline. A brief outline will give me a better idea of how the post is going to be constructed, what it will include, and how it will benefit the blog’s readers. You only need to spend 20 minutes on the outline. Just enough time to flesh out your ideas. 10. Write the email to the blog you’ll contribute to. Here’s the email script that I use often  to pitch my guest blogs. Figure Out The Best Post Type For That Blog When you’re guest blogging, there are typically three types of posts that you can write. 11. Long list posts work. A long list post is successful because the sheer numbers blow readers away. That’s why it attracts a lot of attention. The key, though, is to blow your audience away. For instance, I wrote this post on KISSMetrics. And it did amazingly well. And it even got featured on Entrepreneur: This post would have been lost in the Internet if I had simply wrote about seven email marketing tools. The fact that I had compiled such a huge list is what made this post so successful. 12. Analyze other people. Another type of post you can write is to analyze other people. In another guest  post, I analyzed how five different companies deployed psychological triggers in their marketing to get more customers. I backed these tactics with facts that the companies published as well as scientific research. 13. Try personal stories or case studies. This is by far the most powerful post if you want to get your story out there, build your email list, and sell your products and services. When I wrote, â€Å"Why Quitting May Be the Most Profitable Thing You do This Year†, I told the story of how I was absolutely lost as an entrepreneur. I didn’t know where my next customer was going to come from. I let all my emotions go. I can’t tell you how many emails I received from people who have said they knew exactly how I felt. I was able to connect in a very real and personal way. To date, this post has been the single largest contributor to my email list. The day it went live, I had well over 400 people subscribe. Promote Yourself With Guest Blogging Guest blogging can be a brilliant marketing strategy- if you promote yourself correctly. If not, it’ll be a colossal waste of time. 14. Focus on conversions and landing pages. Neil Patel has seen conversions on landing pages increase by 10% simply by personalizing his landing page. Instead of sending people to a generic landing page, send them to a page that has a headline like â€Å"Welcome, Readers.† 15. Provide relevant and useful offers. It’s extremely tough to split test this, but when you’re guest blogging, I find that an offer related to your guest post will get more email subscribers than your general lead magnet. For instance, let’s say I’m writing a guest post titled â€Å"25 Lessons From Guest Blogging For The Top Blogs In The World.† :) I could either send all of my traffic to a generic landing page, or I could create an offer that reveals 30 popular blogs that accept guest posts. The second offer is much more relevant to my post, and should perform a lot better. 16. Grow your following with Twitter. Believe it or not, guest blogging is an effective way to grow your Twitter following. When you guest blog on a popular blog, you can be sure that it will get a lot of tweets and retweets. After your guest post goes live, copy and paste the URL from the post into And you will see everyone who has tweeted your post. Follow each person who tweeted your post, and a large majority will follow you back. Remember, they just read an article by you, so they’re clearly interested in the type of content you produce! 17. The funnel is overrated. Some of my most lucrative offers came not because someone gave me their email address on my landing page, but because they read my post and asked me if I wanted to do work for them. In another life, I ran a marketing agency focusing on content marketing. After I wrote a blog post on Copyblogger, I received this email offer to work with Shopify: And that’s not the only time guest blogging helped me land a gig. More often than not, when companies would ask for my writing portfolio, I would simply show them various posts I had written for popular blogs. It was the kind of social proof and validation that many of my competitors didn’t have. 18. Use guest blogging as social proof. If you go to my friend Henneke’s blog, you’ll see that she’s been â€Å"seen on† some large and popular blogs. She is able to put these logos on her site because she’s written guest blogs on each of them. Guest blogging offers a third-party social proof similar to a public relations campaign. When someone sees that you’ve been featured on the popular sites in your industry, they know your ideas have already been validated. This brings you one step closer to making that sale. 19. You must guest blog consistently. Unfortunately, guest blogging is sold as the magic elixir for traffic. How many times have you heard this before: #Guestblogging is a way to build a popular blog. Well, that’s only half true. You have to guest blog consistently. Consistent #guestblogging is a way to build a popular blog. These numbers show traffic from guest blogging over the course of two months: I don’t mean that to scare you because the numbers are not large by any stretch. Like most endeavors, building your blog through guest blogging takes time and commitment. 20. Build your relationships. A few years ago, I was building a blog of my own called â€Å"Sales Leads in 30 Days.† I needed to get traffic to my blog. I had already written guest posts on several popular blogs, including KISSMetrics, which is owned by Neil Patel. He’s a popular Internet marketer with a very large Twitter following. Because I had already written for his blog in the past, I had a small relationship with him. So I â€Å"leveraged† that relationship in order to get some traffic to my new blog. That one single tweet brought 154 pageviews and 142 unique pageviews to that post. Mind you, this doesn’t seem like a huge amount of traffic, but this was the first post to the new blog, and this was only one tweet. 21. Promote case studies and user stories. I’ve used guest blogging to publish case studies and user stories to help bring attention to my services. But right now, no one is doing this as effectively as Noah Kagan from Appsumo. Everywhere you look, you see him promoting his new site Sumome- even on this blog. In this post, Noah gives some really valuable content that you can apply to your blog immediately. However, he also has the innate ability to talk about Sumome and the tool’s effect on getting more traffic to every post. If you can work your product or service into your guest post without it being an outright advertisement, your guest post will be much more effective. Be Prepared For Comments And Feedback The very first time I had ever received a comment on any blog post was the first time I wrote for Copyblogger. To be honest, I never really gave it much thought. However, once you put yourself out there for the world to see, you open yourself up to criticism. 22. Most comments are good. Luckily, most people are going to love your work. That’s because you’ve undergone an editorial standard from the popular blog that prohibits bad posts from coming through. And when you read how great you are from hundreds of people, it makes you feel really freakin’ good about yourself. But there is also the other side of the coin†¦. 23. Some comments suck. I had just spent 25 hours compiling a list of email marketing tools unlike any the Internet has seen. I poured my heart and soul into that guest blog. And one of the first comments I received was a snarky complaint about how my grammar was incorrect: The world is full of critics. Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and smile. Bonus Lessons For Guest Blogging Here are just a few things I picked up that really didn’t fit into any of the categories. 24. Guest blogging requires a big time commitment. I often underestimate how long a post will take. The 67 email tools post I wrote took me 25 hours. The post I wrote on Copyblogger titled â€Å"In Defense of Quitting† took even longer. And if you want to be effective with your guest blogging, then its something you’ll have to do consistently. If there was an opposite to â€Å"get rich quick†, then guest blogging is it. Sure, it can help you sell more products and services. But like all things in the land of entrepreneurship, it’s a grind. 25. Guest blogging isn’t for everyone. Guest blogging is a strategy that allows writers to leverage their strength. Just as a public speaker leverages a stage to promote his ideas, guest blogging gives writers the platform to get their ideas into the world.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Aging Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aging Theories - Assignment Example The medical implication of old age is despair and unease resulting to high vulnerability to diseases (Miller 2009). Effectiveness of medication is achieved when individuals accept their health situations. It is implicit that the desperation that comes with old age lowers the resolve to live and disengages the unconvinced older individuals from the society (Alexander 2009). The trickledown effect of failure to accept the signs of old age exacerbates the susceptibility to infections. Nursing advice importantly empowers the old to remain socially active and engaged within the societal activities. Aging is a state of mind when individuals become nostalgic of their past, become less economically productive and disengaged from the active societal activities. The interplay of age determinants results in increased desperation and hopelessness. Hopelessness and desperation results in the survival battle for at old age due to the inescapability of death (Alexander 2009). The administration of medication to the aging individuals has to serve to re-engage the old with the society and at the same time alleviate their ailments. Dual practice of nursing involving the social reunion of the disengaged aged patients and the psychological support to foster the effectiveness of medication causes a challenge to the nursing

Business formation and purpose Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business formation and purpose - Lab Report Example All these four airline services were integrated on 31st March 1974 to form British Airways. BA continued its operations for almost 13 years as a state-owned company. In February 1987, the BA was privatised as part of the Conservative government’s wider privatisation plan. Soon after its privatisation in 1987, the company acquired British Caledonian in the same year, Dan-Air in 1992, and British Midland International in 2012 so as to promote its global expansion. BA is a member of the Oneworld airline alliance along with other founding members like American Airlines, Qantas, Canadian Airlines, and Cathay Pacific. Today the Oneworld alliance has become the world’s third largest airline alliance after SkyTeam and Star Alliance. On 21st January 2011, BA merged with Iberia to form the International Airlines Group (IAG), which is the parent company of BA. IAG is the third largest airline group in the world and the second largest in Europe by annual revenues. It has been liste d on the London Stock Exchange and in the FTSE 100 Index. The BA operates under airline industry. While analysing the industrial classifications of the BA, it seems that the company maintains four major subsidiaries including BA CityFlyer, OpenSkies, British Airways Limited, and British Airways World Cargo. The BA CityFlyer, Didsbury based wholly owned subsidiary airline of BA, operates a number of European and domestic services from London City Airport. This BA subsidiary has gained a United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority Type A operating licence to carry passengers, cargo, and mail on aircrafts having 20 seats or above. In 2008, the BA CityFlyer signed a contract with Embraer to obtain the delivery of 11 E-Jet aircrafts for the purpose of modernising the fleet. In addition, the organisation ordered 3 extra Embraer 190 aircraft in late 2013. According to official data, the company carried roughly 1.2 million

Friday, October 18, 2019

Exploring a work of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exploring a work of art - Essay Example Usually, the piece of paper is rolled around the hard cardboard so that it can roll out easily when being used. The long length of paper is segmented using dotted lines to make it easy to tear when in use. The dotted lines are symmetrically placed to ensure a uniform utilization of the paper. Several folds exist at specific lengths from each other. Due the presence of perforation or pores at specific sections of the paper, it can easily be used by people. The hollow part of the cylindrical cardboard is placed on a holder that serves as the pivot when the paper is rolled. During use, it is rolled several times as it revolves about the holder. The toilet paper is usually translucent and only allows minimal intensity if light to pass through it. The hollow cardboard is rough and compact and consists of an interior white color and exterior brown color. The brown color is concealed by the rolls of the toilet paper but once the roll is completely utilized, the brown color is visible. Whereas, the white color is visible via the hollow part, the hollow part is made of hard paper than the one used on toilet paper rolls. The hard brown card does not disintegrate in water. The toilet rolls have a sweet fragrance that oozes out of them to give a feeling of relaxation. The perfume brings a feeling of freshness and the white color a sense of cleanliness. The color is appealing and creates a feeling of confidence. This work of art falls in the category of functional art category. (Lecture notes, AAD 251: Arts and Visual Literacy). Its functionality lies in its usage. People can use the toilet paper in the toilets. This describes its functionality as a work of art. Unlike some works of art that are merely displayed in rooms and buildings, this work of art serves a significant and almost unparalleled role in the toilet. It is also not as delicate as other works of art. Some works of art are brittle and can easily break down. The toilet paper only disintegrates when it

Fences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fences - Essay Example Kittel when he was born to a German father and an African-American mother in 1945 and was raised in Pittsburgh mostly by his mother and his step-father. Wilson witnessed the areas where blacks were highly discriminated and undermined. He himself became the victim of racism when he was accused of plagiarism in school for writing a sophisticated essay and was thrown out of the institute. Fences portray the condition of blacks in the 1950’s. The play begins in 1957 between the Korean and Vietnam wars and ends in 1965. But the themes of the play directly hits the consciousness in a pre-civil-rights-movement and pre-Vietnam –war-era-psyche. In the play, Maxson is the representative of an amalgamation of black men’s history of the south and the present life of the north. Wilson’s plays take place in his home town of Pittsburgh and Fences is no exception. Wilson draws a clear picture of the America in 1950’s. He portrays the time through his play as a new world of opportunity when the blacks began to open up, leaving those like Tory, who were raised in the first half of the century, only to feel like aliens in their own land. The play Fences is divided into two acts, the Act I comprises of four scenes where as the Act II comprises of five scenes. The Play opens on Friday which is Bono and Tory’s pay day. Both the person goes to Tory’s house for their weekly ritual of drinking and chatting. Tory asked Mr. Rand, their boss about the discrimination done with the blacks and the reason for not allowing them to drive the garbage car and only engaging them to lift garbage. Act I also puts forward many other issues of the play like Bono thinking about Tory’s infidelity towards his wife and Cory (Tory and Rose’s son) recruited by a college football team. Tory moves back in time and start to narrate the story about his struggle in the July of 1943 with death. Lyons arrives at Tory’s house because he knows that it is Tory’s pay day. In the meantime, Rose

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Financial data analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Financial data analysis - Essay Example Likewise tools to predict the stock price of the companies, there are certain tools which specifically used to predict the price of a region or a city (Carcello J et al., 2010). The prices pertain to the Wheat Kansas is comparatively higher than that of the Wheat No. 2 Soft Red in almost all the time period. Lots of fluctuation has been found among the prices of both of the prices of the wheat. The average price of Wheat 2, Soft Red is $ 630.48 while the average price of Hard Kansas is $ 860.054. The average price movement for Soft Red Wheat is -0.10744% while the average movement of Hard Kansas is -0.07618. Standard Deviation which is one of the most important things from the aspect of finance and statistics is also applied on the same. From the analysis, it is found that the deviation from the mean for Red Wheat is 4.51%, while it is 3.45% for Hard Kansas. It means that the price of Hard Kansas is comparatively less risky than that of Red Wheat in total. Every organisation runs for the sake of economic profit and to do the same, different actions and strategies would certainly take into consideration. Organisations are of different kinds and there would be different strategies would be applied for enhancing the revenue of the companies (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010). Economic downturns and external pressures are always difficult for the companies as a whole because it relates to both short and long term economic prosperity of the companies as a whole. From last few years, the stance of organisations and its productivity are quite blurred merely because of the economic crisis and high external pressure were on a higher side at that time. Finance is a big field, in which there are number of things present and everything has its own importance and significance. There are certain things that come under the ambit of finance and among them; the name of forecasting is one of

UNCITRAL Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Essay

UNCITRAL Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG), - Essay Example However, out of the seventy-eight member states that are part of the CISG, some leading economies such as India, Brazil, and the United Kingdom are yet to join (Borges 2008, pp. 333). The United Kingdom has its own reasons for not joining the CISG. We shall explore some of these reasons in the discussion. The CISG has experienced immense success since its formation, and its relevance has been felt in several countries due to its ability to provide modern, standardized legislation in the international sale of goods that apply whenever the contracts for the sale of goods have been completed between the parties with a place of business among the contracting states. According to Ferrari (2000, p. 120), one of the key reasons that led to the success of the CISG is that it was widely accepted by states from the entire geographical region, all the vital social, economic, and legal systems, and every stage of economic development. Its aim was that it was to be created in such a way that it w as going to be easy to understand and interpret by each member states. Honnold states that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International sale of Goods was written in an extremely straightforward and understandable language, which refers to the events and things for which there are words of universal content. The CISG is a significant legislative achievement because it has a massive influence on the worldwide trans-border business laws. Different countries have their own reservations for joining the CISG (Schelechtriem & Schwezwer 2005, pp. 45). The main reasons as to why the United Kingdom had refused to join the convention is that they lacked the time to ratify it, and at the moment it is already not a legislative main concern. The reason as to why it is not a legislative priority at the moment is because there has been slight interest shown by the United Kingdom businesses. These business entities seek to show partnership with the CISG. Unless more interest is s hown at this point, there will be no parliament action on the implementation of the act. The debate of whether the United Kingdom should join the CISG or not should be argued in both ways. In the previous years, the United Kingdom had seen it not necessary to amend its international sales regulation. However, the economic downfall the United Kingdom faced in the year, 2008, made it realize that it was time they made partnership with CISG legislation since it could be seen as denying its people of an extremely potentially useful option. Ratifying the convention so that it could be among many of the European Union nations, Africa, the United States, and the Latin American nations by the UK should also be a priority. However, there are some arguments that the Convention does not similarly benefit anybody. For this, we will also explore why there are such arguments. Countries that have adopted this legislation are capable of eliminating any vagueness in its domestic laws that deal with the international sale of goods. This has enabled the international trade to become hassle free and has also reduced dispute that may arise between trading countries. There are problems that are caused by the United Kingdom’s refusal to join the CISG (Rogowska 2007, pp.230). It has also caused troubles for the rest of the countries that trade with it because different arrangements have to be made. It is essential to realize that with the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial data analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Financial data analysis - Essay Example Likewise tools to predict the stock price of the companies, there are certain tools which specifically used to predict the price of a region or a city (Carcello J et al., 2010). The prices pertain to the Wheat Kansas is comparatively higher than that of the Wheat No. 2 Soft Red in almost all the time period. Lots of fluctuation has been found among the prices of both of the prices of the wheat. The average price of Wheat 2, Soft Red is $ 630.48 while the average price of Hard Kansas is $ 860.054. The average price movement for Soft Red Wheat is -0.10744% while the average movement of Hard Kansas is -0.07618. Standard Deviation which is one of the most important things from the aspect of finance and statistics is also applied on the same. From the analysis, it is found that the deviation from the mean for Red Wheat is 4.51%, while it is 3.45% for Hard Kansas. It means that the price of Hard Kansas is comparatively less risky than that of Red Wheat in total. Every organisation runs for the sake of economic profit and to do the same, different actions and strategies would certainly take into consideration. Organisations are of different kinds and there would be different strategies would be applied for enhancing the revenue of the companies (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010). Economic downturns and external pressures are always difficult for the companies as a whole because it relates to both short and long term economic prosperity of the companies as a whole. From last few years, the stance of organisations and its productivity are quite blurred merely because of the economic crisis and high external pressure were on a higher side at that time. Finance is a big field, in which there are number of things present and everything has its own importance and significance. There are certain things that come under the ambit of finance and among them; the name of forecasting is one of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Essay - 7

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror - Essay Example The Bush administration chose U.S. Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a legal black hole to burr detainees from trials. Detainees serving indefinite time in the detention center have gone untried and others released without clear legal grounds as to why they served time in the first place. Reflecting back on the relevance of the habeas corpus, the US Constitution provides that detainees have the right to hearings in court to prove their guilt or innocence. With reference to humanity, fairness, justice, and freedom to equal human rights, habeas corpus provides grounds for appraising executive authority while upholding the relevance of US constitutional provisions. The right of habeas corpus is an English common law product. Its fundamental relevance is to create means of summoning individuals before the central courts. In the 14th century, habeas corpus was used to enquire into the grounds of an individual’s detention by local courts. In the 16th century, courts applied habeas corpus to enquire into the detentions ordered by the King’s Privy Council (a body blending judicial and executive powers). In the 17th century, parliament made steps to strengthen the relevance of habeas corpus bringing the King’s acts into its scope, hence, creating the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 (Habeas Corpus Act, 1679). With developments in English Law, habeas corpus was exported to most of Britain’s colonies. As the earliest constitutional guarantee, habeas corpus occurred in the US in 1789. Its relevance to both the English and the American Law is that it aims at providing mechanisms to bring a detained individual before a judge to protect the individual’s physical integrity. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, following a 1987 advisory opinion, argued that the habeas corpus performed a vital role in the protection of

Monday, October 14, 2019

The current and also the future patterns in the UK Essay Example for Free

The current and also the future patterns in the UK Essay For this criterion I will discuss the current and also the future patterns in the UK.I will also discuss who is going to be affected by the new changes and will provide statistics to support my answer which is also going to discuss the inequalities of health. There are many factors which affect the health of the public who are in the United Kingdom. However the UK has become a better place to live in compared to living here in the 19 or 2oth century. The main disadvantage is always due to social class. This is because if a person is in a higher class they are able to have the best things and highest quality of care in order to make sure they have the best health. However if someone is from a lower social class they are more likely to spend wisely and think about what they are spending their money and how they are spending money. Usually people in lower class donà ¢t always live in the best areas and they live in overcrowded, polluted areas which can also affect their There are many factors that are likely to influence current health and could carry on influencing patterns of health in the UK. Some of the factors that could this are: * Socio-economic  * Environmental * Genetic * Lifestyle Socio-economic Factors There are many socio-economic factors that are likely to influence current health. If people are living in poor housing conditions which could mean that their health might not be so good, they could be given housing benefits to improve the conditions. If the area where you are living, the environment might not be very good, like the waste management could be bad. To stop this from happening, all the waste management could be recycled. In the urban areas, there will be easy access to health services; although this is a good thing, there can be a lot of pollution as there will be a lot of transport in the area. Whereas in rural areas, the area would be quite but you will not have easy access to health services. This would mean that if you are not well or needed to see a doctor, then you would have to go to a town to the doctors which would far away and expensive. To make it easier for people not to travel all the way to town to go to the doctors, they could provide doctors surgery in the rural area or could have a doctor that would be around the area all the time, like the district nurse.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Proposal: Causes of corporate failures

Proposal: Causes of corporate failures Introduction The issue of corporate failures (CF) became prominent yet again, following the financial crisis of 2007-2008, caused primarily by risky-investments made in the belief of a continuous appreciation in home-values, due to decades of low-interest rates the era of light-touch regulation[1] [Deregulation free-markets]. Furthermore, the collapse of Lehman-Brothers; a large investment bank, brought the issue of corporate failures to the fore and hence sparked the researcher’s interest in the subject. The collapse of Lehman’s has been described as the largest bankruptcy in the world, it was a bankruptcy ten times bigger than that of Enron and it rattled the global and domestic markets in the midst of an economic recession (M. A. Johnson A. Mamun 2012)[2]. Consequently it is included in the literature-review when looking at the causes of failure in an attempt to answer the research question. The Research Question The research question is focused on why corporations fail, particularly the recurring themes from failures. This question is important as the total-assets of companies filing for bankruptcy in the U.S was at $1.159billion in 2008 (Kalwarski T, 2009)[3]. In addition big-businesses in Ireland that went burst in 2010 were five times greater than was seen at the peak of the Celtic-Tiger[4] (O’Carroll L, 2011)[5], with a huge-amount of failures concentrated in the construction-sector. Furthermore, in Lithuania alone the slowdown of the economy amplified the rate of bankruptcies to about 34% in the first half of 2008 (Silvanavicià »tà ¨, S 2008)[6]. Figure 1- Total assets of U.S Public Companies filing for bankruptcy. Source: Business week, chart by Laurel Daunis-Allen [7] Therefore, given the financial-crisis of 2008, the globalization of the world economies and the ripple effect of corporate-failures on economies the society, the need to investigate the recurring themes is vital. (Azkunaga J, San-Jose L, Urionabarrenetxea S, 2013)[8]. This research will prescribe in its recommendations the use of bankruptcy prediction models (BPM) as a way to predict and mitigate the occurrence of future failures. This is important due to the fact that corporations who experience complete failure usually file for bankruptcy under their various national bankruptcy codes. 1.2 Aim rationale for this research The aim of this research is to collect data on the causes of/themes in corporate-failures, exploring the recurring themes the link between the independent-variables [greed, corporate-culture, economic-cycles, corporate-governance, incentive-schemes etc.] and the dependent-variable [Corporate-Failure]. In addition the impact of the economic cycles (a slowdown in the economy/a recession) in failures will be investigated. Furthermore the research will explore briefly the literature on bankruptcy prediction models, so as to make a valid argument for its continued use in the prediction prevention of failures. The rationale for this research stems from the researcher’s interest in the issues that led to the recent financial crisis, the collapse of Lehman-Brothers, the need to curb future corporate failures and a will to contribute to reducing the prevalence of corporate failures. 1.3 New Relevant Research As at 1988 an integrated theory of corporate-failures was non-existent. Hambrick D’Aveni noted that the focus was on small business failures and public sector failures, with the existing literature being mainly qualitative (Daughen and Binzen, 1971; Richards, 1973; Starbuck, Greve, and Hedberg, 1978 cited in Hambrick). The quantitative aspects focused only on financial-ratios (Altman 1968) [9], with the only work carried to contrast the above being that of Miller and Friesens (1977) to point out the characteristics of large unsuccessful and the more successful firms. The shortcoming of Miller et al 1977 was that their project did not consist of firms who experienced complete failures[10]. (Hambrick, D, DAveni, R 1988) This research aims to pull together the origins of failures, the relevant themes on corporate failures, the impact of an economic recession on corporate-failures and the use of prediction models in predicting failures/distress. The relevance of this, will be to update the existing literature and put the different aspects together under one piece of work. Something of this magnitude has not yet being done by previous researchers based on the literature-review. Consequently, this research will would be of practical benefit to academics and students seeking to further explore the subject matters of CF and BPM. 1.4 Approach to the research A top-down approach was followed in in the literature-review and this assisted in the identification of the relevant themes in corporate-failures and assisted in developing a framework which enabled question asking via semi-structured interviews. The research was approached using both primary and secondary research methods. The interview process provided a primary qualitative insight into the viewpoints/experience of professionals/experts in the bankruptcy, insolvency and liquidation industry as to the key themes in corporate failures. Secondary research-methods enabled data collection through a look at the previous cases of failures, newspaper articles, case-studies, reports, peer-reviewed journals etc. The justification for the research approach adopted will be discussed in greater depth in the research methodology [See Chapter 3]. The final objective will be to identify the implications of this research for literature practice (Williams K, Pg. 68 2013)[11]. 1.5 Learning Style Suitability of the Researcher The learning style of the researcher follows a methodical logical approach, going through a step by step process. It is theoretical, involving reading and gathering information from various sources in order to get a broad view of a subject matter. This learning style is appropriate as this research requires sufficient knowledge of the various themes, models theories pertaining to CF and BPM, generalizations about complex issues, including making necessary inductions. The researcher is a Master’s in Accounting Finance student who has completed all taught components of his degree with distinction. He holds an undergraduate degree [BA. (Hons) in Accounting Finance] from Dublin City University with a significant specialism in accounting. The researcher has studied Corporate-Governance (CG), Quantitative-Methods and attended qualitative and quantitative analysis workshops during his studies, including the use of Nvivo; a qualitative analysis software and SPSS; a statistical software for quantitative data analysis. This would enable the researcher to understand the quantitative or qualitative aspects of this research. Furthermore, the researcher has conducted literature reviews and attended full year lectures on research methodology, including the use of the fine foundation’s criteria to critique articles and journals. This backs up the researcher’s capacity to understand the various themes and the ability to carry out a reliable analysis and critique of data for research purposes. The researcher’s academic experience and knowledge of working on individual/group projects, word-papers and essays on related themes such as the impact of the financial crisis on banks, the Goldman-Sachs Abacus transaction, regulatory capital requirements and a proposal fantasy-budget sent to the Irish Institute of Taxation, financial investment analysis of UK Irish corporations have all laid a foundation to handle the cognitive and challenging aspects of this research. The need to gather qualitative data through semi-structured open-ended interviews will benefit from the researcher’s open and engaging approach to formal/semi-formal situations and the experience obtained from previous interviews conducted with the managers of major multi-national companies. The ability of the researcher to listen attentively and ask insightful questions would aid in the collection of good and reliable data. 1.6 Outline of the Dissertation Title page Declaration Table of Contents List of Tables Figures List of Abbreviations Acknowledgements: This section thanks acknowledges those have helped the researcher in completing this research Abstract: This serves as a brief synopsis of the research. It includes the aim of the research, how it was carried out, the findings from the literature primary research and finally the conclusion recommendations from the research. This dissertation is divided into seven chapters, which includes sub-headings. The contents of each chapter are discussed below; Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter acts as a background to the topic, it goes through the rationale for the research, explaining why the research is new relevant and the approach to be followed when carrying out the research. The learning style and suitability of the research as pertains to this research. An outline of the dissertation and finally the scope and limitations of the research. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter explores the literature; origins of failures, the causes the themes in CF. Therefore it raises awareness of the themes in the area and justifies the research question Chapter 3: Research Methodology Methods This chapter examines the research methodology using the ‘research onion’. It justifies by critical evaluation, the selection of an appropriate research philosophy approach etc. It explores the options for data collection. It describes the ethical issues that guide the research, the population sample and how data collection, coding and analysis will be accomplished. Chapter 4: Data Analysis Research Findings Data collected using the research methods outlined in chapter 3 will be critically analysed here and the findings will be presented. Chapter 5: Discussion Conclusion This chapter discusses how this research contributed to the area of CF. It draws awareness to the research limitations. It reviews and interprets the research result, consequently drawing a general conclusion by summarising the research findings. Chapter 6: Recommendations Future Dimensions This chapter recommends based on the research findings what could be done to stem the continued menace of corporate failures and prescribes dimensions for future research. Chapter 7: Self Reflection Performance This is the final chapter and it appraises the researchers learning and engagement, looking at the impact this process has had on the researcher personally and academically. Bibliography This references the original works and literature used to back-up each chapter of this dissertation. Appendices This contains supporting documents: charts, interview transcripts, interview questions, tables, figures etc. 1.7 Scope Limitations of the Research This research focuses only on the failure of big-corporations. Therefore it doesn’t take into account why small-business entities fail. The period required to complete this dissertation is a factor that restricted the sample size which was used in the analysis of the recurring themes in failures. A purposive sample-size was used, which permitted for a critical analysis appropriate for the time frame and word count required for this research. 1.8 Contributions of this Research This issue of corporate failures is not a new topic but this research will update and contribute to literature by highlighting the recurring issues in corporate failures based on the collection of primary data from practitioners in the field of insolvencies, bankruptcy and hence give an updated view on any change in corporate failures themes pre and post the 2007-2008 financial crisis. [1] Financial regulation: Light touch no more Britain’s financial regulators are getting much tougher Accessed 21st May 2014. [2] Johnson, M, Mamun, A 2012, The failure of Lehman Brothers and its impact on other financial institutions,Applied Financial Economics, 22, 5, pp. 375-385, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 May 2014 [3](Kalwarski Tara, 2009) Corporate Failure: The worst may be yet to come. Tara Kalwarski and Laurel Dauni-Allen, Business Week. Accessed 12th April 2014. [4] Metaphor for the Irish economic growth. [5] Lisa O’Carroll: The Guardian Business failures rising in Ireland .Accessed 2nd June 2014. [6] Simona Silvanavicià »tà ¨ 2008, Estimating the Negative Impact of Business Failures on Lithuania, Socialiniai Tyrimai, 2008, 4, pp. 113-120, SocINDEX with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 April 2014. [7] Business week, chart by Laurel Daunis-Allen: Total assets of U.S Public Companies filing for bankruptcy Accessed 2nd June 2014. [8] Juan Antonio Azkunaga, Leire San-Jose, Sara Urionabarrenetxea (2013): The impact of financial globalization and financialization on the economy in the current crisis through banking corporate governance. Accessed 12th April 2014. [9] Altman, EI 1968, Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis and the prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy, Journal of Finance, 23, 4, pp. 589-609, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 April 2014. [10] Hambrick, D, DAveni, R 1988, Large Corporate Failures as Downward Spirals, Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 1, pp. 1-23, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 April 2014. [11] Kate Williams 2013: Planning your Dissertation. Pg. 68. Oxford Brookes University, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire England.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mark Anthonys crypt Of The Shadowking: A Fantasy :: essays research papers

Mark Anthony's "Crypt of the Shadowking": A Fantasy Crypt of the Shadowking by Mark Anthony is a fantasy tale of the never ending struggle of good against evil. The Zhentarim, the hell-bent organization which is more concerned with making a profit than the greater good of all has taken over the city of a thousand spires. The Harpers, a loosely construed group of people who are always meddling in others affairs to keep the proverbial balance between good and evil in check, are ready to get the once bustling trade city back on the track it once was with the help of a former member. Through out the book there is never a dull moment, making it easy to read in just one or two sittings. Anyone who loves a good fantasy should read this book. After seven long years of traveling, the rough looking, worn out Caledan Caldorien is returning to his home town Ireaebor and finds it has been taken over by a tyrant known as Cutter. In Caledan's absence, Cutter has passed many ridiculous laws and anyone violating any of these is forced into slavery under the Tor which the city is set upon, where Cutter is mining to find the crypt of the Shadowking, where the nightstone, an ancient artifact of great and evil power, believed to be. Caledan finds this out through a connection within the slums and goes to find his old traveling companions who once made up the Company of the Dreaming Dragon. After reuniting, the company goes to find the tomb of Merrimeck to find the secret of the shadow song, the known power against the Shadowking and the nightstone. As the company travels to toward the Fields of the Dead, they encounter a shadevar, a horrifying and powerful foe thought to have been banished from the world of Toril long ago. After a wild battle, and the death of the shadevar, the company thief, Ferrit, searches the corpse and finds a ring which enabled the shadervar to communicate with the frighteningly powerful creature who summoned it, and through magic the mage, Morhion, finds that the master of the shadevar was not the lord Cutter as they had once thought but Cutter's own lord steward, Snake. After returning, Ferrit does a little spying and finds that Snake has made a pact with the Shadowking and to conspire against Cutter and eventually rule over all of Toril. The Company of the Dreaming Dragon devise a plan to free all of the slaves and through a little flag waving get all of the slaves and cityfolk alike to revolt against Cutter

Friday, October 11, 2019

How does Angela Carter reinterpret Gothic Conventions Essay

Angela Carter reinterprets Gothic Conventions in both ‘The Tigers Bride’, and ‘The Courtship of Mr Lyon. ’ These reinterpreted gothic conventions are not merely used by Angela Carter to shock the reader, (typical of the Gothic), but additionally to add a sub-genre. This is clearly the case in both ‘The Tigers Bride’ and ‘Courtship of Mr Lyon’ as the feminist and Marxist message is provided by the subversion of the genre. For instance, in a conventional gothic novel the female is stereotypically either the â€Å"trembling victim† or â€Å"predator. † In other cases, women remain absent from the Gothic novel all together. However, in both of these short stories from Angela Carters collection ‘The Bloody Chamber,’ this gender role is subverted so the male becomes the victim. This is particularly evident in ‘The Courtship of Mr Lyon’ where Mr Lyon takes the role of the desperate women locked away, needing to be saved. Mr Lyon claims to be â€Å"dying† because Beauty left â€Å"because you left me. † The state of the lion is covered in the description with imagery of death and decay; â€Å"dead† flowers, â€Å"groaning† hinges, and â€Å"drifting cobwebs. † Beauty therefore takes the role of the male protagonist. There is a mention of otherness as Beauty found My Lyons â€Å"bewildering difference intolerable,† whereas, conventionally, the male was the norm and the female the other. Furthermore, in ‘The Tigers Bride’ conventional gothic gender stereotypes are also played with as Beauty breaks out of patriarchal society by rejecting her â€Å"clockwork twin† and taking the form of an animal â€Å"beautiful fur. † Carter uses the gothic conventional symbol of animals but in an alternate way. In both stories she puts animals on a higher level than man for their more moral qualities. The beast for instance is juxtaposed against her farther in ‘The Tigers Bride’ as he is the poor protector who â€Å"bartered,† and lost his â€Å"treasure† (again, objectifying women. ) The use of animals again explores a feminist message, as Carter believed that like animals, females were regarded as soulless. However, in both texts Carter also holds onto many of the stereotypical gender gothic conventions. For example the reference to Beauty as â€Å"Miss Lamb† in ‘The Courtship of Mr Lyon’ and also the mention of the lamb in ‘The Tigers Bride’ â€Å"Lion lies down with the lamb. ’ Furthermore, in both stories Beauty is objectified and the property of her farther, this is introduced immediately in ‘The Tigers Bride’, â€Å"my farther lost me to the Beast at cards. † The female here is clearly still a victim. In regard to setting, Carter does comply with many of the conventional gothic associations. In both ‘The Courtship of Mr Lyon’ and ‘The Tigers Bride’ the home of the Beast is regarded as the ‘isolated castle. ’ However, there is a difference in the habitats of Mr Lyon and Beauty in ‘The courtship of Mr Lyon’ as conventionally the male protagonist is associated with the city with unmoral behaviour, and the female is associated with the pastoral country. This enables Carter to add a message that both man and women need to combine both feminine and masculine qualities to be happy. Another example where Carter subverts the genre using the setting is in the stereotypical class of gothic. Conventionally, the gothic was focused mainly on aristocracy. Whereas, in both short stories Beauty is poor, for instance in ‘The Courtship of Mr Lyon’ her farther refers to his lost riches â€Å"how rich again I may once again be. † This conveys a Marxist reference, which is hinted at again â€Å"all of the world he knew need not necessarily apply. † Gothic symbolism is also reinterpreted in both novels. The reference to the â€Å"white rose† is a widely recognised gothic symbol and is featured in both short storied. However, besides symbolising the innocence of women and their purity, it could also symbolise freedom and salvation, much like a ‘white flag’ as both Beauty’s try to escape patriarchal society. Carter additionally subverts the supernatural. For instance in ‘The Tigers Bride,† despite inter-textuality with ‘Beauty and the Beast’ it is beauty who must transform into the Beast, as he licks her skin off revealing a nascent patina of shining hairs. The sole purpose of this, however, in not purely to shock the reader. Beauty is removing any human elements from herself, giving her, allowing her to break away from society and its limitations on women.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

It’s tough being a teenager

The life of a teenager in modern Britain is not easy. There are many different problems young people are forced to deal with in this day and age. The problems of a teenager range from pressures of school exams and completion of tedious work, up to the rapidly increasingly problem of drug abuse. The pressures of exams and schoolwork are a noticeably smaller problem for teenagers in comparison to drug abuse or committing violent street crime. Never the less it is still a problem that makes many peoples lives an unpleasant and traumatic time. The pressure that teenagers are under is due to the climax of school attendance the final G. C. S. E examination which can be either a declaration of a pupil's intelligence and will lead to university placements and an exiting career, or a crippling blow that ends a person's dream of a certain job prospect or placement in further education. Either way the pressure is the same. The most drastic source of teenage problems originates from drug abuse. Due to the common use of drugs and the availability of a vast array of mind altering substances an increasingly social problem is arising. The problems caused from the use of drugs include street crime which is becoming ever more violent in a desperate attempt to evade capture due to the high tech protection systems of homes and shops. Another common outlet which addicts feed their habit with is car theft. The most commonly used people to carry out jobs such as violent killings and car crime a part of a gang which is dependent on drug use. The problems of teenagers are widely publicised in the media and often over exaggerate things and often overlooked as well as things being overlooked. The media has a very important role in a teenagers life, it tells people what is acceptable with regards to fashion and Forces boundaries to be forged within society such as people who skate and listen to heavy metal and the people that listen to trance music and take drugs. The teenage years are also a time where many people feel they must rebel against society through dressing a certain way and acting against a typical stereotype which is in its self a contradictory term when a lot of people rebel and seek individuality by doing the same thing as the previous generations and no doubt the future generations will too feel a need to rebel against their stereotypical role in society. The teenage years are not all bad though the only reason teenagers have a negative reputation for drugs and alcohol abuse and the like is because the people who commit crime are the only ones paid attention to by the media. A Persons teen years are about discovery and freedom with the only real responsibility being school work and the need to find out what they want to do with their lives. Whatever the attitude of teen age years good or bad they are only lived through once and when they have gone they will only ever be looked back on with envois memories. A time where people can enjoy there lives before being thrust into the very difficult and serious world of war and politics and being dependant on working for a living and becoming an adult.

Memory Management Requirements

When talking about memory management, it is important to first understand what it is. When operating in a uniprogramming system, the main memory, commonly referred to as random access memory (RAM), is divided into two different parts. The first part is assigned to the operating system (OS), while the second part is assigned to the program currently being executed. When operating in a multiprogramming system, the OS portion must further be subdivided to accommodate multiple processes being executed simultaneously. This subdivision is done dynamically be the OS and that is what is referred to as memory management. Memory management is intended to fulfill a set list of requirements. These requirements are: relocation, protection, sharing, logical organization, and physical organization. This paper will cover each requirement individually. Relocation When a program executes, it is not always the only process accessing the main memory. There are generally many different processes that need access. And so, these processes get swapped around to keep active processes in the main memory in order to maximize the processor usage. When a process gets swapped out for another process, and will need to return, it is not realistic to expect that it will return to its original location in the main memory. This is where relocation plays a vital role. As processes get swapped out, and then back in, relocation moves them around to ensure that there is enough room for everyone to play. Protection Protection refers to maintaining the integrity of a process. A process cannot access a function of another process without specific permission before hand. As swapping and relocation occur, the likelihood of corrupting a process with another one increases. Protection refers to the protocols that keep that from happening. Sharing Sometimes multiple processes may need to access the same portion of main memory. In instances where processes are executing the same program, it is advantageous to allow them to access the same copy of the program, rather than them each having their own. Sharing has a delicate balance that it shares with protection. That is why control over sharing capabilities is very important. Local Organization Both main memory and secondary memory are organized as linear. This creates a conflict, because most programs are organized into modules. Local organization helps the OS and computer effectively deal with programs and data that are organized into modules. This provides a number of benefits. Modules can then be written and compiled independently, protection can be provided in the form of read/execute only modules, and it allows for easy sharing among modules. Physical Organization Physical organization is the core concept in memory management. To understand physical organization, you must first understand the two layers of memory in a system. Main memory refers to memory that is intended for quick processing, and is volatile, meaning that is loses all data when power is not applied. The second of these layers is referred to as secondary memory, which is slower, but is intended for long term storage. Because the programmer of a user program cannot possible know how much memory is available at the time of execution, and that there may be insufficient memory, the responsibility of managing physical organization belongs to the system. Memory Management Requirements When talking about memory management, it is important to first understand what it is. When operating in a uniprogramming system, the main memory, commonly referred to as random access memory (RAM), is divided into two different parts. The first part is assigned to the operating system (OS), while the second part is assigned to the program currently being executed. When operating in a multiprogramming system, the OS portion must further be subdivided to accommodate multiple processes being executed simultaneously. This subdivision is done dynamically be the OS and that is what is referred to as memory management. Memory management is intended to fulfill a set list of requirements. These requirements are: relocation, protection, sharing, logical organization, and physical organization. This paper will cover each requirement individually. Relocation When a program executes, it is not always the only process accessing the main memory. There are generally many different processes that need access. And so, these processes get swapped around to keep active processes in the main memory in order to maximize the processor usage. When a process gets swapped out for another process, and will need to return, it is not realistic to expect that it will return to its original location in the main memory. This is where relocation plays a vital role. As processes get swapped out, and then back in, relocation moves them around to ensure that there is enough room for everyone to play. Protection Protection refers to maintaining the integrity of a process. A process cannot access a function of another process without specific permission before hand. As swapping and relocation occur, the likelihood of corrupting a process with another one increases. Protection refers to the protocols that keep that from happening. Sharing Sometimes multiple processes may need to access the same portion of main memory. In instances where processes are executing the same program, it is advantageous to allow them to access the same copy of the program, rather than them each having their own. Sharing has a delicate balance that it shares with protection. That is why control over sharing capabilities is very important. Local Organization Both main memory and secondary memory are organized as linear. This creates a conflict, because most programs are organized into modules. Local organization helps the OS and computer effectively deal with programs and data that are organized into modules. This provides a number of benefits. Modules can then be written and compiled independently, protection can be provided in the form of read/execute only modules, and it allows for easy sharing among modules. Physical Organization Physical organization is the core concept in memory management. To understand physical organization, you must first understand the two layers of memory in a system. Main memory refers to memory that is intended for quick processing, and is volatile, meaning that is loses all data when power is not applied. The second of these layers is referred to as secondary memory, which is slower, but is intended for long term storage. Because the programmer of a user program cannot possible know how much memory is available at the time of execution, and that there may be insufficient memory, the responsibility of managing physical organization belongs to the system.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dangerous and Natural Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Dangerous and Natural Energy - Essay Example According to the earthquake patterns in the USGS interactive map, it is evident that most of the seismic hazard areas in the United States are distributed along the Pacific Coast from the North Western states such as the coast of Washington, Oregon, and California, as well as in the regions of Alaska and Hawaii. Generally, the USGS interactive map suggests that earthquakes are mostly concentrated along the shorelines of California and the seismic activity gradually reduces towards the South (Frankel and Barnhard, 1996). I live in Texas, a region that is largely indicated by color white. This means that my home region is one of the areas with the least seismic hazard risk according to the information provided by the USGS interactive map. When matched against a scale of % seismic activity, the region around my home is indicated as having between 0% to 4% seismic activity and therefore, one of the least seismic hazardous areas in the United States. Upon visiting the interactive map that shows the latest data regarding the global seismic activity for the last 7 days, I have also noted that my home region has not experienced any seismic activity within the last week. From the information available in the interactive map that shows the latest data regarding the global seismic activity for the last 7 days, it is evident that most of the earthquake-prone areas of the world are found along the Pacific coasts as well as on some islands within the Pacific Ocean. These areas have formed an almost circular oceanic belt of seismic hazard areas which is popularly known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. The region that I clicked was Maharashtra, India (17.29 0 N, 73.56 0 E), and the latest seismic magnitude of the area was 4.3. According to the interactive global earthquake data map, this seismic activity was recorded on Saturday, April, 14.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Compare and contrast Schnitzlers and Freuds interpretations of Essay

Compare and contrast Schnitzlers and Freuds interpretations of character - Essay Example At one point, Freud believed that the psychoanalysis brought an opening for the horizons of understanding characters of art; while on the other hand it has been observed that Schnitzler was more concerned about the experiences of protagonists. Many written works by both Arthur Schnitzler and Sigmund Freud brought in-depth assessment of protagonists or characters in the art work. This paper also presents differing viewpoints that further back up the statement regarding interpretation of characters. Arthur Schnitzler and Sigmund Freud have both contributed their respective assessment and understanding regarding character in fin de sià ¨cle in Vienna. Herein, it is extremely significant to understand the change that was noted during fin de sià ¨cle in Vienna. It will not be incorrect to state that fin de sià ¨cle in Vienna (a French title for the turn of century), social degeneration where new thoughts regarding subject matters were being introduced. These new concepts had direct impact on associations between members of the society1. Critics and writers of fin de sià ¨cle in Vienna pointed out that Schnitzler has been curious about his characters that he created in his different literary works. It was due to this reason that presented a great deal of his art work to bring his abstract view regarding characters into a proper definition. In the same fashion, one can easily notice that Sigmund Freud has also presented an in-depth assessment of character by coming up with major psychoanalytical study of his characters through psychoanalysis2. As per various critics, it has been noted that there are vast similarities between the work of Sigmund Freud and Arthur Schnitzler. The reason behind such a claim is that both the assessors of characters were from the same city who merely acknowledges each other’s work through the help of letters3. The major difference at this point between the works of Freud and Schnitzler which was peculiar is none other

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The evaluation of Coca Cola Company Corporate Sustainability Report Essay

The evaluation of Coca Cola Company Corporate Sustainability Report 2012-13 against the Global Reporting Initiative 3.1 Guidelines - Essay Example The consumers and employees are very much concerned about social and environmental issues. So the company gets involved in performing all these activities to satisfy its customers and employees. CSR plays an important role in the growth and success of the company. Strategies of corporate sustainability focus on green product and services. Coca Cola’s strategies of corporate sustainability have changed over time as per its business needs and requirements. The concept of corporate sustainability is based on two vital principles. One principle focuses on increasing the resource of the company by benefiting society or environment. Another principle of corporate sustainability focuses on reducing risk of the company by increasing its business opportunities. This essay focuses on value creation process of the company by performing various sustainable approaches. According to GRI guidelines CR reporting must serve the needs of company’s stakeholders. It helps them to gain credibility. In the present time the stakeholders are using multiple channels to reach maximum number of people. The companies merge information of CR in their annual report. GRI guideline is gaining its popularity in recent years. To increase CR reporting programs GRI is putting a huge effort to promote its guidelines throughout the world. For example US and China are presently focusing more on connecting traditional standard setter with GRI program like SEC, IIFAC etc. GRI is launching a new guideline to make improvement in its standards. CR reporting will be benefited by improving global standard and performance of CR activities. Presently 80% of G 250 companies and 69% of N100 companies are following GRI guidelines and standards in developing their CR Report. Earlier these percentages were very low. According to GRI guidelines CSR reporting is an

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Into the Question of the Art Nature Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Into the Question of the Art Nature - Assignment Example It defines art as works created by artists: paintings, sculptures, etc., which are created to be beautiful or to express important ideas or feelings Painting is the process of applying a pigment, paint or a colour to a surface by use of a brush. In art, painting may be used to mean the action and the result of the action. It is a mode of creative expression and has numerous forms. Paintings can be representational and naturalistic, abstract, photographic, or be loaded with symbolism, narrative content or just emotional in nature. It has the elements of colour tone, intensity and a lot of nontraditional elements (Arnheim, 2009). A sculpture is a branch of visual arts. It is one of the oldest kinds of art, having existed before most of the other art forms. There were durable forms that used carving and modelling, but modernity has led to freedom in the ways that it’s done, in terms of the materials used and the process. Carving involved removal of parts of the material used, whereas modelling involved the addition of the material such as clay. Architecture is the form of art, and arguably a science, that deals with designing of building and non-building materials. It involves a lot of creative manipulation and coordination of technology and materials. We have the ancient architectures forms and the modern forms of architecture, which implies that architecture could also be as old as painting. (Ralph, 1998) Photography is the art and science of creating images. Light or some other electromagnetic radiation is recorded either chemically by use of a light-sensitive material such as a photographic film or electronically by use of an image sensor. A lens is always used to focus the light emitted or reflected from objects into the real image on the light-sensitive part of the camera.   Printmaking is a form of fine art. It is the process of making works of art by printing basically. Prints always have an element of originality. It is possible to create a multiplicity of prints of the same piece.  Ã‚  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Law7 ass1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Law7 ass1 - Essay Example The opinion basically cites the common law protection against unreasonable charge while at the same time encouraging the values of free trade. Hotels are public accommodations and can only exercise their right to admission to a certain level. The hotels may not refuse accommodation to guests for reasons that are deemed discriminatory. They however have the right to regulate the use of their facilities other than the basic by allowing a certain section of their clientele access to some of their facilities and withholding the privileges so long as the selection criteria does not amount to discrimination by reason of race, origin, nationality, color, religion or Condition. The mode of dressing does not make one a minority. The Unruh Civil Rights aims to protect minority customers from discrimination on the basis of factors such as religion, age, gender, color, ancestry, nationality, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation. The hotels in California can therefore legally refuse accommodation to a person dressed in a peculiar manner for instance when the mode of dressing may be offensive to other guests. The same applies to other states and cannot be viewed as discrimination. However, hotels in California and other states may not refuse accommodation to a person on the basis of their dressing if the same boils down to discrimination. An example is when the clothes worn indicate adherence to a certain

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Marathon Running Essay Example for Free

Marathon Running Essay Runners come in all shapes and sizes. I have seen 300-pound men and women at the start of a race and in contrast the chiseled muscles of the elite runners. The reasons for running are as various as the runners themselves. Some run for weight lose, mental or physical health, competition, and charity. There are many physical health benefits for running; â€Å"Human bodies burn about 2,000-2,500 calories a day in normal activities. Running 5 miles a day can burn an additional 500 calories. † If this same formula holds true, a person completing a marathon will have burnt close to 2,600 calories. However, how fast a person doesn’t correspond with how much weight they may loose while running. â€Å"For example, a 220-pound person running an eight-minute mile burns 150 calories, while a 120-pound person running at the same pace burns only 82. Every person’s body requires an excess of 3,500 calories in order to gain a pound or a deficit of 3,500 calories in order to lose a pound. Thus, 180-pound person who runs 5 miles each day will lose about 5 pounds a month. However, as his or her weight goes down, he or she will burn fewer calories per mile† according to a study conducted at Vanderbilt University. According to Runner’s World editor Hal Higgdon. â€Å"Running can also have many psychological benefits. Most significantly runners typically report being happier and feeling less stressed than their counterparts who do not run or exercise regularly. Running actually has the ability to alter an individuals moods because hormones called endorphins are released while running. These hormones create a sense of euphoria often referred to as a runner’s high and can result in an improvement in the runner’s mood. † With these endorphins being released into the runner’s body, running can be very addictive. A man or woman can feel like they’ve been turned into Michael Jordan and anything, even running 26 miles, is possible. Running a marathon and the distances to train are also almost spiritual. When I run I am able to solve my companies, personal, families, and the whole worlds problems. I have come up with some of the most life altering and affirming choices in the sunrise of an 8-mile run. Running is also a great stress reliever while running I am able to focus on the road and the miles as they build. I am able to forget about the office, family, or other concerns. There are 26. reasons why a marathon is hard. To put this distance in perspective if you were to drive your car at 60 mph it would take a half an hour to drive that distance. But while running the marathon there is no downtime. You’re the machine, says physical therapist Jim Wharton of New York-based Wharton Performance, which trains world-class athletes. The debate about the difficulty of the marathon, doesn t center just on the physical aspects. Motivation, confidence and mental toughness are necessary, says Stephen Russo, director of sports psychology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System. Running is painful; it’s tedious, and exhausting. After a few miles our bodies scream for us to stop and rest. When the body screams stop that is when the mind takes over and you keep running. Through my experiences in running and race competitions I can say a marathon is not something that can be described it is something must be experienced. In a marathon the participant will be competing against hundreds and in larger races thousands of other hopefuls. In many marathons time restrictions are placed on which the marathon will end. -8 hours after the marathon has began, barricades will be removed and the race rout will be dismantled. If a runner is unable to finish in the allotted time the race officials may take them to the finish line and will not allowed to finish. However during those 6-8 hours a runner can run, jog, or walk any distance they want. When Khalid Khannouchi won the London Marathon last year, he didnt do any walking: He set a world record of 2 hours, 5 minutes and 38 seconds. For elite athletes like Khannouchi distance running is a way of life. Marathoners seem either to be training or getting ready for the next workout. You wake up every morning and you know what you have to do. You have long mileage to accumulate. Sometimes youre already tired from your last two or three workouts. You still have to wake up, have the motivation and go outside and do the training. † Khannouchi said. For me running is not simply about the weight loss or the constant inquires of family, friends, and co-workers who ask, â€Å"How many mile(s) did you run today? † When I run I am only accountable to my trusty stopwatch and myself. The marathon is my Everest. I will be back. Standing there with hundreds of other runners in tank tops and short on a cold fall morning, waiting for the starter pistol. I dont run for the medal or the crowd I run for me. I run despite the 9 times out of 10 it will hurt, but I keep going. I run for that one time that it doesn’t and I am able to finish my run and look down at my stop watch and be excited about a new personal best time, if only a few seconds. I run because I know it will hurt but I keep going and I won’t give into the pain. I am an athlete. I am runner.